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Netflix Crime Thriller Copycat Killer Premiere On March




《模仿犯》吳慷仁對連續殺人案兇手喊話:你玩完了 1 1

Adapted on a classic crime mystery novel by Japanese author Miyuki Miyabe, Copycat Killer is set in Taipei in the 1990s and recounts the country’s first-ever serial murder case. The Chinese-language crime thriller will be published exclusively on Netflix on March 31.

Netflix《模仿犯》正式海報釋出,定檔 3月31日 全球獨家上線 1

Using the considerable interest to his advantage, the media-savvy serial murderer transforms the case into a national spectacle, fueling rumors and infamy. A no-nonsense prosecutor, portrayed by actor Wu Kang-ren, vows to solve the case, only to discover that nothing is as it seems. In the meantime, the killer mocks law and justice constantly as he attempts to destroy social order.

In a series of horrible crimes, a masked serial killer gains control of the city.

資深金獎影帝陳博正在《模仿犯》為戲犧牲學狗爬 1

Wu, well-known for his roles in Light The Night, Shards of Her, and Mom!, remarked, “Genre series are fascinating because you won’t figure out who the culprit is until the very end.” Avoid doing that. “Each character is interconnected by hidden threads that emerge along the course of the narrative. Similarly, I follow my character as he explores these links, producing a wonderful web of connections. I anticipate taking the audience on a journey to find the wonderful tale underlying each thread.”

In addition to Ruby Lin, the star-studded cast also includes Alice Ko, Tuo Tsung-hua, Yao Chun-yao, Fandy Fan, Cammy Chiang, and Hsia Teng-Hung (producer and leading actress of Light the Night).

《模仿犯》前導預告以女子遭受綁架、凌虐的慘叫聲掀起開端 1

Wu Kang-ren portrays a no-nonsense prosecutor in pursuit of a serial killer with media savvy.

The production team spent almost three years on preparation, adaptation, filming, and post-production in order to create a crime and mystery thriller of such complexity. We Are Champions’ co-director Chang Jung-chi, who won the Taipei Film Awards for Best Director, stated, “It’s a pleasure to finally share with the public what we’ve worked on for so long.” Underneath the suspense and mystery is a tale of humanity’s fight between good and evil.

《模仿犯》吳慷仁對連續殺人案兇手喊話:你玩完了 1

In contrast to the majority of crime fiction, Copycat Killer casts a wider scope. Co-director Henri Chang, who was nominated for six Golden Bells for Hate the Sin, Love the Sinner, stated, “We intend to convey more dimensions of each character and their thoughts and views within an exciting plot.” While the series begins with ‘evil’ as we know it, there is much more to consider and learn from it.

《模仿犯》一名疑似背後主使者的男子戴著詭譎日式能面具現身挑釁.jpg 1

This captivating series is a co-production between Greener Grass Production and Nan Fang Film Productions, under the direction of award-winning producers Hank Tseng and Phil Tang. “Copycat Killer portrays how unchecked ambitions can lead evil to spread over a metropolis,” stated Tseng. “We believe that the convergence & fluidity of good and evil in the series will give healing to our viewers in this world of insanity, where much more can be done to aid and support one another.”


Everyone calls me Ian. This website is about my everyday life experiences. Back in 2011, I use to write on my first blog. ( I started this website as a place where I can express my creative inside. I love visiting new places, listening to music and anything fun.