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PLDT Enterprise Assists The University Of Cagayan Valley (UCV) In Using E-Learning




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With education increasingly relying on online technology and digital tools, PLDT’s e-learning assistance for UCV is especially important at a time when educational institutions are looking for innovative methods to expand their classrooms outside the traditional walls.

Since 2010, UCV has been a connectivity and communication services partner of PLDT Enterprise. This long-standing cooperation was strengthened, however, when UCV obtained Microsoft Learning Management System (LMS) licenses from PLDT Enterprise for use by its teachers and students.

“We wish to assist UCV in realizing its mission of being a citadel of teaching, learning, and public research that connects the people of Cagayan Valley to the rest of the country and the rest of the world. ePLDT President & CEO Jovy Hernandez and SVP & Head for PLDT and Smart Enterprise Business Groups remarked, “We aim to help UCV realize this vision by delivering an innovative technology that will enable students become locally and globally comparable despite the global pandemic generated by COVID-19.”

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Automatically generated description (L-R seated) Dr. Victor Perez, University of Cagayan Valley Chairman of the Board, and Dr. Esther N. Perez-Mari, University President. Milvi Ocampo, PLDT Enterprise Relationship Manager. With their latest collaboration, PLDT Enterprise and the University of Cagayan Valley strengthen their long-standing connection by enabling e-Learning for the university.

UCV may now conduct teaching on the Microsoft 365 platform via SharePoint, Teams, and mobile devices, giving their employees, teachers, and students a familiar atmosphere. Furthermore, the platform is user-friendly and simple to browse, allowing teachers to continue online teaching while also allowing students to learn online.

As e-learning is a promising concept established by the Department of Education, Vic Tria, First Vice President of PLDT Enterprise, noted, “Our relationship with UCV makes digital technology a key tool for the academe as well as other industries and sectors, ensuring continuity of operations.” In addition to Microsoft LMS 365, UCV is utilizing PLDT Smart connection, which will be available as soon as the enrolment is completed. These are methods to support e-learning activities in the face of the COVID-19 epidemic.

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Dr. Susan Esther N. Perez-Mari, UCV President, said that strengthening UCV’s digital technology through e-learning systems, one of which is from PLDT, demonstrates the university’s continued commitment to its founders’ philosophy that “every man, regardless of creed or economic status, has the inherent right and access to quality education.” Dr. Perez added, “We appreciate that PLDT is one of our partners in UCV’s journey to identify the finest alternative solutions for both our students and teachers.”

Everyone calls me Ian. This website is about my everyday life experiences. Back in 2011, I use to write on my first blog. ( I started this website as a place where I can express my creative inside. I love visiting new places, listening to music and anything fun.