Press Release
You are SAFE at The Manila Hotel

The Manila Hotel plans to partially reopen its doors to its loyal guests on July 3, 2020, only one day before the historic hotel’s founding anniversary, with the iconic Café Ilang Ilang, the Lobby Lounge, and the Delicatessen resuming operations. After months of adhering to the government’s quarantine rules, the hotel has adjusted to the “new normal” with the rest of the globe, placing a high value on the well-being of guests.
The historic hotel reopens in part in time for its 108th anniversary, with new hygiene measures for guest safety and a special anniversary promotion.
The Manila Hotel celebrates its 108th founding anniversary on July 4 by welcoming visitors with an enduring brand of service that is now focused on increased health, hygiene, and sanitation practices in accordance with DOH guidelines, with the lobby gleaming brightly anew, symbolizing eternal hope.
“You are secure here,” Atty Joey Lina, the president of The Manila Property, reminds the public as the hotel prepares for reopening. We’ve taken every measure to ensure that you and your loved ones are safe when visiting or staying with us.”
The Manila Hotel offers its 108th Anniversary Promo to its valued guests who are waiting for Café Ilang Ilang to reopen, which offers the first 108 customers a special dining rate of only Php1,250 for lunch and Php1,550 for dinner for the first 108 days of its reopening (including Saturdays and Sundays). Café Ilang Ilang also returns with a new eating system that allows diners to “order and eat all you can,” which means they may order as much food as they like from a set menu at a set price.
With limited seating capacity, both Café Ilang Ilang and the Lobby Lounge will be open. Guests will be able to order from a disposable menu, eat from silverware in sealed containers, and even sit at tables with acrylic separators. Guest Services Officers (GSOs) and servers, for example, will wear masks, gloves, and face shields when engaging with visitors. Café Ilang Ilang is also fine-tuning its contactless ordering and payment mechanism to minimise guest touch.
The Manila Hotel offers a thorough campaign to assure its clients that they are safe at The Manila Hotel, based on best practices. Guests will be required to undertake mandatory temperature checks and a health declaration procedure in high-traffic public spaces with hygiene reminder signage and distance indications. Elevators will have limited capacity, and various hotel services, including the spa, swimming pool, gym, and other areas, will be closed.
UV technology will be used to sterilize high-touch places such as door handles, elevator buttons, public area furnishings, and others numerous times per day. UV sanitation significantly reduces the bacteria count on surfaces, as seen by reduced RLU readings (a measure of surface cleanliness) following the operation, according to tests.
The hotel also expects to begin accepting room reservations by August 2020, barring any official statements to the contrary. The public can expect rooms to be properly cleaned first with UV-C light technology to kill germs, bacteria, and viruses, then sterilized and disinfected with medical-grade solutions. A change of fresh and sanitized bedding, as well as cleanliness of room contact points like as remote controls, lamps, and the like, and comprehensive bathroom disinfection, are all part of the routine. Guests will also receive personal health kits, a UV-sanitized keycard, and a mark of confidence that they are the first to enter the sanitized environment when they check into their rooms.
The Manila Hotel has invested in testing its workers upon their return to work to ensure they are healthy, because taking care of its own people means they can take better care of customers. The culinary team meticulously follows strict sanitation, hand-washing, and food-handling regulations. Staff will be forced to wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when needed, and tight distancing measures will be implemented at offices, front desks, and other areas frequented by guests.
The Manila Hotel looks forward to welcoming both returning and new guests with the same level of service it is known for, with the assurance that “YOU ARE SAFE HERE” is more than a slogan; it is a promise it sincerely intends to keep.