Hours after his press conference in Taguig, Lee Seung Gi held his first concert at the New Frontier Theater. The show had begun with an opening...
Hallyu superstar Lee Seung Gi made a triumphant return to Manila on May 27 when he performed at the New Frontier Theater for the first time...
The wait is over, Filipino Airens! South Korea’s ‘Triple Threat,’ Lee Seung Gi, is returning to Manila for his Asia tour concert “The Dreamer’s Dream: Chapter...
The South Korean actor will return for the 2023 LEE SEUNG GI ASIA TOUR Concert in Manila, “The Dreamer’s Dream – Chapter 2.” The event will...
After nearly four years, the Korean actor and singer Lee Seung-gi will perform in the Philippines. The actor’s agency, Human Made, announced on March 29 that...